New START needs a new start

Ratification of the new Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty with Russia has fallen into the partisan abyss we still call America.  The left claims failure to ratify will encourage Iran to get nuclear weapons.   The right fears grave impairment of the nation’s nuclear defenses.

Both claims are what the car guys call “BOOOOOOGUS.”  Iran is likely to go for nuclear weapons capability no matter what happens to New START, which will only marginally decrease America’s nuclear forces.  And failure to ratify will lead only to a pause in Washington’s reset with Moscow, which has good reason to react calmly.

That said, the Administration needs to get the treaty off to a new start if it expects ratification in either this lame duck Congress or the next.  Turning down the rhetoric and turning up some careful analysis of the facts would be a good place to start.  It is hard to believe that we can’t figure out a way to make a dispassionate and reasoned decision to reduce a number of weapons that hawks in both Washington and Moscow agree is excessive.

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One thought on “New START needs a new start”

  1. I think the Democrats’ best line is to focus on the lack of inspection capabilities of the Russian arsenal. As Kevin Drum said here, if the public was more aware of what START entailed, I don’t think Republicans could get away with their grandstanding.

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