Day: March 5, 2014

Observers, aid, energy and elections

Much as I am entertained by explanations of Russian behavior based on Western decline and claims that Vladimir Putin is delusional, responding to the seizure of Crimea and threats against the rest of southern and eastern Ukraine requires a finer brush.  How can Russia be prevented from occupying other Russian-speaking areas and how might the occupation of Crimea be reversed?  Those are the objectives Kiev, Washington and Brussels should be setting.

Kiev is one key to preventing Russia from taking over other Russian-speaking areas of southern and eastern Ukraine.  It has already done well to block (with a veto by the speaker of parliament) a law that would have denied Russian the status of an official language in those areas.  It has also appointed new governors, including at least two wealthy oligarchs.  How well they manage to respond to pro-Russian protests, avoiding violence while reasserting a modicum of Kiev’s authority, will be the primary determinant of whether things get out of hand or continue to calm.  Putting in international observers to report on the situation and highlight any abuses is a good idea.  Putin already has his hands full in Crimea.  He doesn’t really need to take on additional burdens elsewhere in Ukraine, provided Russian speakers aren’t clamoring for intervention to protect them from the depredations of Kiev. Read more

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