To concert is a virtue

12 years ago

The weekend allowed me to look at a number of interesting reports on the Balkans.  The common thread of the…

From silos to networks

12 years ago

Who are peacebuilders?  What do they do? Where do they come from?  Do they work together, and if so, how? …

Good news

12 years ago

It wasn't just excess wonkiness that made me tweet about the World Bank's "Doing Business" report website.  It was this…

A sad commentary, even if my man won

12 years ago

It's hard to write more than 140-character tweets about last night's "foreign policy" debate.  Governor Romney lined up behind President…

Not a good idea

12 years ago

Governor Romney will no doubt repeat tonight that he will label China a currency manipulator on his first day in…


12 years ago

Max Boot asks: Does the Press Have Better Intel than the White House? The answer is yes, in particular in…

This week’s peace picks

12 years ago

There are many options this week, including several with a focus on the approaching US elections. 1. Iraq Energy Outlook,…

A step in the right direction

12 years ago

So Dačić and Thaçi have met in Lady Ashton's office in Brussels.  The world has barely noticed.  That's the good news.  While…

Follow the money

12 years ago

The real difference between the candidates on foreign policy issues is not what they say they would do but what…

Dialogue is about listening

12 years ago

It was a pleasure to be back at USIP yesterday after a two-year hiatus for the launch of Facilitating Dialogue: …