GOP critique: Russia and Latin America

12 years ago

This is the fifth installment of a series responding to the Romney campaign's list of ten failures in Obama's foreign…

Principles and practicalities

12 years ago

Allison Stuewe reports from Georgetown's Bunn Intercultural Center:  The auditorium was crowded and the audience excited.  Despite the hype, Dennis…

No better way

12 years ago

Here is the dilemma:  either the man I enjoyed talking with when he sat in Baghdad as vice president of…

This week’s peace picks

12 years ago

There is far too much happening Monday and Tuesday in particular.  But here are this week’s peace picks, put together…

GOP critique: Israel and Syria

12 years ago

This is the fourth installment of a series responding to the Romney campaign's list of ten failures in Obama's foreign…

GOP critique: leaks and cuts

12 years ago

This is the third installment of a series responding to the Romney campaign's list of failures in Obama's foreign and…

My Kosovo, past and future

12 years ago

Friends in Pristina asked me for a personal reflection on Kosovo's past and future on the occasion of the end…

GOP critique: Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan

12 years ago

This is the second installment of a series responding to the Romney campaign's list of failures in Obama's foreign and…

Taking the Romney critique seriously

12 years ago

Friends will laugh at me, but I've decided to take the Lanhee Chen memorandum from the Romney campaign on "The…

Sham will rise again!

12 years ago

Time for me to 'fess up:  I was away in Atlanta over the weekend and took the opportunity of a…