Iraq needs a shopping list

12 years ago

A couple of birdies have flown into Washington from Iraq recently.  They had interesting, but very different, things to say.…

Negotiation time

12 years ago

With all the jabber the last few days about the use of force against both Syria and Iran, media attention…

Counter-revolution lives, but not forever

12 years ago

The past few days have seen ample signs that counter-revolution is alive and well: Syrian troops have retaken Baba Amr…

Partial success or eventual failure?

12 years ago

Noah Pollak of the Emergency Committee for Israel tweeted today: Obama policy = preventing Iran from getting nuke. Israel policy…

This week’s “peace picks”

12 years ago

Frighteningly busy week in DC.  Experts bloom even before the cherry blossoms: 1. Chinese Heir Apparent, Xi Jinping and U.S.-China…

The choice is a deal or many attacks on Iran

12 years ago

Jeffrey Goldberg's interview with President Obama has attracted lots of attention, mainly for his threat to use military force to…

The revolution needs better terrain

12 years ago

How do you know when the revolutionaries are losing?  When the world starts lining up to arm them.  The latest…


12 years ago

A Kosovar friend sent me this triumphalist claim of Serbian victory in the recent agreement between Belgrade and Pristina on…

Annan Anon

12 years ago

Today's news from Syria is bad, really bad for those of us who hope to see a more open and…

Kim Jong-un tries diplomacy

12 years ago

There are things wrong with the U.S./North Korea nuclear deal announced in parallel by both sides (but not published) today:…