Wake up: in the Balkans bad ideas never die

2 years ago

Six years ago I published a piece criticizing electoral reform proposals for the Federation 51% of Bosnia and Herzegovina. It…

Stevenson’s army, July 25

2 years ago

- Yale prof says Russian economy is hurting. - Politico details fights over size of the Navy. - Politico has…

Stevenson’s army, July 23

2 years ago

So what's been happening? Russia and Ukraine agreed to a grain shipment deal. Good. But I still share Andrew Sullivan's…

Does the US still care about human rights?

2 years ago

That's the question President Biden's trip to the Middle East raised. He met "bilaterally" with "pariah" Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed…

Minimal results despite the effort

2 years ago

Here is the video of the event I did with the Gulf International Forum today on Biden's Middle East trip,…

Goodies but mostly oldies

2 years ago

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TolqiDubBng President Biden's first trip to the Middle East took him to Israel and the occupied territories of the West…

Stevenson’s army, July 15

2 years ago

- The FT asks but doesn't really answer whether Russia can prevail over Ukraine. - I'm worried that time is…

Stevenson’s army, July 14

2 years ago

But let's avoid "Aux armes, citoyens,Formez vos bataillons, Marchons, marchons !" - NYT says there is an emerging deal to allow…

Reaching for the Heights, but failing

2 years ago

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A5ULSm6-nRE&ab_channel=UnitedStatesInstituteofPeace I enjoyed a discussion today at USIP prompted by Fred Hof's Reaching for the Heights. The book treats Fred's…

Stevenson’s army, July 12

2 years ago

- The House takes up the NDAA this week, with over 1200 amendments filed. - GOP resists Democratic proposals for…