Stevenson’s army, August 17

My SAIS colleague Charlie Stevenson distributes an almost daily news digest of foreign/defense/national security policy to “Stevenson’s army” via Googlegroups. I plan to republish here. If you want to get it directly, follow the instructions below:

– I’m really troubled by the efforts by Trump and Netanyahu to make US policy toward Israel a partisan matter. I think any member of Congress should be able to visit any country which receives overt US economic or military aid — and aid should be suspended or cut when they can’t.

– FSOs complain that Trump administration is naming far more political appointees than past administrations.

– Axios tells how USTR determined winners and losers from the China tariffs.

– BTW, some good news: the security clearance backlog has been reduced.

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Stevenson’s army, August 15

My SAIS colleague Charlie Stevenson distributes an almost daily news digest of foreign/defense/national security policy to “Stevenson’s army” via Googlegroups. I plan to republish here. If you want to get it directly, follow the instructions below:

-A new Pew poll shows sharply negative US views of China over the past 2 years.
– WaPo calls Trump a “bystander” on Hong Kong.
-WSJ says Huawei helps some African governments monitor their opponents.
– Mark Perry notes Gen. Dunford’s retirement — “the last adult” leaving the administration.
Israel may block visit by pro-Palestinian congresswomen.

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Stevenson’s army, August 14

My SAIS colleague Charlie Stevenson distributes an almost daily news digest of foreign/defense/national security policy to “Stevenson’s army” via Googlegroups. I plan to republish here. If you want to get it directly, follow the instructions below:

Here’s a thought experiment: What should the US do if China cracks down on the Hong Kong protesters with violent military force? That prospect seems ever more likely. President Trump seems to neutral on the matter.
Some members of Congress, however, are suggesting using or amending the 1992 Hong Kong Policy Act, which authorizes presidential declarations to change US treatment if the territories become “less autonomous,” CRS has background reports on US relations and on the recent protests. Here is State’s most recent report, as required by the 1992 law.China has cancelled US naval port visits to HK.

NYT says Maduro’s military is arresting and torturing officers to maintain control.

NYT also has an outline of US/Taliban agreement,which seems close.
We’ve had many debates in class over the A-10. Here’s the latest.

Off topic but interesting, a long Wired article on Google’s problems.

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Trump greenlights repression

President Trump yesterday tweeted that the Chinese government is assembling forces for a possible crackdown on protesters in Hong Kong:

Our Intelligence has informed us that the Chinese Government is moving troops to the Border with Hong Kong. Everyone should be calm and safe!

While he said “our intelligence” reported this, the videos of Chinese forces are all over the internet, including some released by Beijing. Frightening protesters out of the street is easier than chasing them out.

Compare Trump’s statement with Senate Majority Leader McConnell’s (no friend of mine):

Any violent crackdown would be completely unacceptable. … The world is watching.

Trump’s relatively neutral hope that everyone will be calm and safe is a green light to Beijing that they can crack down, albeit one with plausible deniability for Trump. If they do crackdown and things go badly, Trump can say he didn’t encourage them. In the meanwhile, he gets credit in Beijing for the soft tone.

Trump will also be applauded in Beijing for backing down on some of the tariffs he had promised to impose in September on consumer goods from China. There was a real risk that they would signal to Americans the truth: consumers pay tariffs, not the exporting countries. That on top of the collapse of US agricultural exports to China threatened to generate real domestic resistance to a tariff war that Beijing is clearly winning. The Chinese have much more effective ways of protecting the government from domestic dissent than Trump does.

Not that the Chinese aren’t hurting. They have let their currency float downwards for good reasons: they need to maintain their exports and try to counter their slowing growth, which is slumping towards 6%. That’s fast compared to the US, but not necessarily fast enough to keep a lid on discontent. Of course the Chinese will eventually have to face the recession that is inevitable in any capitalist economy, but they will want to put it off as long as possible for fear of the social consequences.

That fear is what makes Beijing so anxious and stubborn about the Hong Kong protests. The protesters are demanding:

  • Complete withdrawal of the extradition bill
  • Withdrawal of the “riot” description used about the 12 June protests
  • Amnesty for all arrested protesters
  • An independent inquiry into alleged police brutality
  • Universal suffrage for the Chief Executive and Legislative Council elections

Essentially the protesters are asking for electoral democracy, accountability, amnesty, and an independent judicial system. If Beijing concedes those things to Hong Kong, what is to stop mainland Chinese from demanding the same?

The short answer is the People’s Liberation Army. No doubt some in Beijing are arguing that it will be easier to stop the protests in Hong Kong than if they spread.

The hardliners have a friend in the White House. The man has no convictions. Everything is transactional. He doesn’t hesitate to sell American values for a bowl of Chinese porridge.

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Stevenson’s army, August 13

My SAIS colleague Charlie Stevenson distributes an almost daily news digest of foreign/defense/national security policy to “Stevenson’s army” via Googlegroups. I plan to republish here. If you want to get it directly, follow the instructions below:

– I’m mildly persuaded by this piece arguing that Boris Johnson’s game plan is to win an election, and that’s more important than Brexit.
– Jeffrey Lewis discusses what the failed Russian test with nuclear release might mean.
– NYT says Afghan army is in sad shape.
– Why did Trump delay Chinese tariffs today? Vox suggests retail pressures; I’d add the sinking stock market.
Or maybe these polls.

– Former Senate Leader Harry Reid calls for an end to the legislative filibuster. WRONG. WRONG. BAD!
– Interesting Dutch report on Russian cyber threats.

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Trump is a racist.

I’ve discovered to my dismay that people I like and respect think President Trump is not a white supremacist or racist. They also think that calling him those things will hurt prospects for defeating him in 2020. I disagree on both counts.

First on the substance. The evidence for Trump’s racist or bigoted views–call them whichever you prefer–is overwhelming. From discrimination against black renters in the 1970s to his invitation to four non-white members of Congress to go home to his recent superficially coded criticism of Congressman Elijah Cummings, Trump has been consistent in heaping insult and injury on black and brown cities, countries, immigrants, and people, especially if they are Muslim or poor. Trump saves his sympathies and for neo-Nazis. His occasional but bizarre meeting with Kanye West or advocacy for A$AP Rocky should fool no one.

More relevant to whether his bigotry should be labelled as white supremacy is what Americans think. White supremacists recognize him as one of their own and support him strongly. His rhetoric is well within their venerable tradition. Black people and Hispanics also recognize him as a racist, as do more than 50% of Americans overall. I’m not sure how you can be a racist and not a white supremacist, even if racists have often claimed that all they are doing is advocating for equality. We know how separate but equal worked out.

Convinced Trumpistas deny he is a white supremacist or racist and claim they aren’t either. They just want to protect their America from an invasion and restore the country to its supposedly more tranquil (and segregated) past. They are frightened of places like Baltimore, where blacks are in the majority, and El Paso, where Hispanics are. They denounce Sharia law and despise Muslims. They want to ensure that their own offspring are not discriminated against; rarely do they speak up for other peoples’ children.

These are all well-worn racist tropes. They don’t fool me and they shouldn’t fool my friends. People who hold these views are going to vote for Trump, no matter what. They feel they lost a great deal under a black president, they still claim he is really a Muslim, and they want their white privilege defended and preserved. Trump gives them every reason to believe he will do his utmost in that direction. His is no dog whistle; it is a siren.

The key to winning in 2020 for the Democrats is not converting convinced Trumpistas but turning out their own supporters (including especially blacks and Hispanics) and convincing independents who are uncomfortable with Trump to join their fold. Revulsion against Trump’s racist and white supremacist views and support will play a vital role in both. You can’t generate that revulsion without calling racism racism. It bothers him to be called a racist; that is as good a guide as any I know of what to call him, provided it fits with the facts. It does.

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