Tag: Bahrain

Counterrevolution, again

With the U.S. Government immobilized by its own self-generated problems–a kind of self-licking ice cream cone phenomenon–dictators are resurgent in the Middle East again.  They are doing what they know to do best:  killing their own citizens, hoping that will make the popular protests against their interminable rule go away.

In Syria, the demonstrations were once again widespread yesterday, if not gigantic.  The killing seems to have focused on the southern town of Deraa, where Bashar al Assad seems to be wanting to demonstrate how really dangerous it is to protest persistently.  In Yemen, yesterday’s killing focused on Taiz, a southern town that President Ali Saleh sees as the leading edge of separatism.  In Egypt, Tahrir square was cleared in the early morning hours by an army riot.  In Libya, Gaddafi continues to make mincemeat of rebel forces, which have also been bombed unintentionally by NATO. Negotiations with the Gaddafi family are ongoing, but Washington seems to be holding a hard line on getting them all out of Libya.  In Bahrain, the monarchy continues with a hard line on the demonstrations, which it increasingly paints with a sectarian brush.

It is surprising to me that the dictators think this will work, but they know their own people better than I do.  Alistair Crooke published yesterday on foreignpolicy.com a piece on “Syrian exceptionalism” that essentially says Bashar knows best and will win his bet.  There will surely be people in the U.S. administration who are also hoping now to stem the tide and save a few really important autocratic regimes (Bahrain and Saudi Arabia foremost) for future use, while arranging soft landings for others (Yemen in particular).  Secretary of Defense Gates has been running up his frequent flyer miles with visits to key stalwarts and Gulf states worried about the situation.

That said, President Obama has issued strong statements on Syria and Yemen in recent days.  He seems much more inclined to emphasize the legitimate aspirations of the people than to help preserve Bashar and Bashir.

It is nowhere written that counterrevolution will fail, and in fact it has often succeeded.  Regime principals and their oligarchs are clever about using their remaining power and money to divide the opposition, crack down on the weaker but more militant portion, and preserve at least some vestige of their own privilege and control.  We should expect no less from them.

Those who want to complete their revolutions and emerge as free societies with more or less representative governments will somehow need to keep the pressure on.  But they will also have to stay united, and plan carefully for where and when to confront their respective regimes nonviolently.   The consequences of violent rebellion should by now be obvious to everyone who follows events in Libya–it isn’t pretty, and it may not end well.

PS:  Just to complete the picture, in Ivory Coast Laurent Gbagbo’s forces are reportedly today attacking the hotel where Alassane is headquartered, as well as the French Embassy.  You have to wonder when Paris will see fit to take decisive action.

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A still small voice

I’ve been wondering how Syrians are feeling about their regime and its disdain for the its citizens.  Over at Diadochi they are expressing it clearly:

Yet nothing hurt like witnessing the parliament. Watching them one by one deliver their legendary praises like trained apes crushed our spirit. It made us realize, this is us, the ones stupid enough to stay loyal to a contract that has been desecrated time and time again. We realized the opinionated peaceful pro-reform youth are not the face of Syria, the face of Syria is an old demented suck-up who lavishes wondrous feats to a system that does nothing but slap him around, suffocate him, ridicule his stupid fantasies and stomp on his dignity. Suddenly we went down from the golden generation, to vermin.

Ever seen a whole nation assume fetal position? It’s quite a sight.

Even the most optimistic are broken. Some still say words of hope, but it’s not with the old spark you’d see in their eyes. It’s more of a desperate attempt to cling on to what has already been destroyed. Most of us, we’re grinding our teeth in a rage that can hardly be kept in. You see, even if they actually do the unlikely attempt of making all they pledged happen, it won’t matter. The contract is broken, our dignity has been stung bad, we feel detached from a system which very clearly doesn’t represent us to the slightest.

I don’t take this as a voice of despair. This is a still small voice getting ready to act. I wish it well in its efforts.

PS: On Bahrain,which has almost disappeared from the news since the Saudis intervened, see this.


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Endgames: local legitimacy is key

It is easy to get caught up in the drama and thrill of events as people throughout the Middle East lay claim to inalienable rights, but we shouldn’t forget  that revolutions don’t often end well.  What can and should we be doing to try to ensure that the hopes and aspirations of so many don’t end up serving the interests of a few?  And what vital U.S. interests need attention?

Libya.  Hillary Clinton will be attending a meeting Monday in London to talk about the future of Libya, which is a particularly difficult case because the country largely lacks a state.  What it has though is a strong tradition of local councils, most evident in Benghazi but also apparent in other places that have been liberated.  If these local councils can gain a degree of legitimacy by being inclusive, they could become the foundation for a decentralized post-Gaddafi regime.  My guess is that this would be far better than building the new Libya from Tripoli outwards, which won’t be possible in any event until Gaddafi departs.

As for U.S. influence, the most obvious way to guarantee it is to provide arms to the rebels, as Blake Hounshell suggests. There are many downsides, not the least of which is eventual misuse of the weapons to commit atrocities.  Revenge killings are more than likely in the aftermath of Gaddafi’s fall, which is one of the reasons he and his minions hold on so tenaciously.  That said, I would opt at least for the rocket-propelled grenades the rebels need to defend themselves against Gaddafi’s armor.  The bigger question is whether supplying them is done

  • without changing the existing UN Security Council resolution (1973) on grounds that they are part of the “all necessary means” required to protect civilians (either overtly or clandestinely), or
  • by adopting a new UNSC resolution that recognizes Gaddafi’s failure to comply with 1973 and adopts additional measures required to unseat him.

If arms supplies are to get there in a timely way, the former is obviously preferable to the latter.  But the latter is far better from the perspective of maintaining legitimacy of coalition operations against Gaddafi.

Yemen.  President Saleh’s days are numbered, but he is insisting on an orderly transition of power.  That is not a bad idea.  It would certainly be preferable to the kind of mess we are seeing in Libya, and it really does not matter much whether it occurs this month or next.

To whom should Saleh hand over?  The parliament is little more than a rubber stamp, some of the army leaders who have gone over to the protesters are arguably worse than Saleh when it comes to cozying up to terrorists, the political opposition is undistinguished and the protesters are still an amorphous mass.   Here is both challenge and opportunity for the Americans, in whose interest it is to guarantee an orderly transition to someone who will be at least as good as Saleh in pursuing Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, which is not saying much.  Here, too, they might look to grassroots tribal, religious, political, civil society and other leaders outside Sanaa for at least a validation of legitimacy.  Part of the Yemen problem is that the current regime really has little or no support beyond the capital.  Building a new regime that has serious representation from both north and south would be preferable to just finding another headman like Saleh.

Syria.  It has indeed gotten serious, as I’ve already suggested, with widespread demonstrations yesterday met with regime live fire, killing how many dozens no one knows:

This time it will be hard for President Bashar al Assad’s spokesperson to claim that he ordered no firing on demonstrators, though that won’t stop them from trying, but the protests have so far stopped short of asking for his ouster.  Bashar is still regarded by many Syrians as above the wrongdoing they associate with the regime, though it is hard to believe that his personal immunity will last much longer.

Bashar has been no friend to the Americans, even if Senator John Kerry thinks we owe him rather than the other way around (at least that is what he said in an appearance at Carnegie Endowment last week).  But again orderliness is next to godliness, now that we’ve got the U.S. military preoccupied with two and a half wars.  Bashar can still survive, but he needs to get serious about the reforms he promised this week, and stop the live fire on demonstrators.  I can’t for the life of me think what it is about the events of the last couple of months that would convince an autocrat that firing on protesters would help him survive.  It seems to me the evidence is all on the other side of the proposition:  let them demonstrate and adopt reforms to meet their legitimate demands, then you might survive.

The others.  The Moroccans seem to have understood that proposition, and until yesterday the Jordanians as well.  The Bahrainis, with Saudi support, seem ready still to test the effectiveness of regime violence and in the process turn popular protests into sectarian strife between a Shia majority population and a Sunni regime.  Their success is unlikely to be long lasting.  It is hard to think of anything worse for Saudi Arabia than linking its fate to the survival of the Al Khalifa monarchy in Bahrain, but that appears to be what the Saudis are determined to do.



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Jon Stewart’s freedom packages

If you didn’t see it on TV, and you are not among the 156,073 people who have viewed it on line since Monday night, this is well worth all 6 minutes and 49 seconds.

The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon – Thurs 11p / 10c
America’s Freedom Packages
Daily Show Full Episodes Political Humor & Satire Blog The Daily Show on Facebook
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Implosions, more and less advanced

While the rest of the world catches up with the question of “how does Libya end,” which I dealt with yesterday, let’s take a look ahead.  Today’s big news was not the explosions in Libya, but rather the implosion in Yemen, where President Saleh is now facing an opposition strengthened by defections from his army, government, parliament and diplomatic corps.  He is appealing for “mediation” by the Saudis, which is being interpreted in some circles as a plea for Saudi guarantees if he agrees to step down in six months.  He had already agreed to step down at the end of his present term in 2013.

It very much looks as if Washington may lose its spear carrier in the fight against Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP).  This is a problem, since no one–including Saleh–seems to think AQAP is a serious threat to Yemen, which it uses as haven and launching pad.  No one in his right mind would want to try to govern it.

Washington will have to convince whoever takes over–the betting seems to be on General Ali Mohsen al-Ahmar, but these things are inherently uncertain–that AQAP merits his attention.   This will be difficult:  Yemen is a place with a lot of problems.  Water and oil are running out, there are more or less perennial rebellions both north and south, the population is high half the day on qat, and the authority of the government barely extends to the outskirts of Sanaa, the capital.

In Syria, the process of popular protest is far less advanced, but firing on demonstrators by the security forces has reaped an increase in demonstrations in the south.  No telling whether the Syrians have the stomach to go all the way to revolution, and Bashar al Assad is a clever autocrat.  But he too is lacking resources and tied to Iran in ways that make it difficult for him to do what most Syrians want:  an opening to the West and foreign investment, which necessarily entails reducing ties to Iran and Hizbollah and settling up somehow with Israel.  Syria also has ethnic and sectarian issues:  Kurdish citizens treated as second class and a Sunni majority governed by an Alawhite (more or less Shia) but secular majority.

Bahrain, now under Gulf Cooperation Council protection, seems to be doing its best to turn its rebellion into sectarian strife, which is not how it began.  It is hard to believe that is in the interests of the (Sunni) Khalifa monarchy, which governs a less than prosperous Shia majority.  But when Saudi Arabia decides to embrace you, I guess you have to hug back.

It has already been an extraordinary few weeks in North Africa.  While the monarchies in Jordan, Morocco and Saudi Arabia seem to be learning how to keep the lid on, the pot is boiling over in Yemen and may still do so in Syria and Bahrain.  It would be nice if the heat rose under the Iranian pot, but that does not appear to be happening, no matter how often the Secretary of State and the President wish it so.


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Bad gets worse

Think things couldn’t get worse?  Think again:

  • One or more of Japan’s nuclear plants now looks sure to melt down, with at least one breaching the reactor containment vessel and spewing radioactive material.  How much attention do we think Arab revolutions will get after that happens?
  • Gaddafi’s forces are at the outskirts of Benghazi.  We can hope that the rebels will succeed in cutting his now long supply lines, but I wouldn’t bet on it.
  • The crackdown has gotten brutal in Bahrain, with the Saudi and UAE forces seeming to remain in the background guarding the royals while the King’s forces enforce martial law with tanks and machine guns.
  • Yemen is at least as bad, with firing on demonstrators and no sign of serious negotiations yet.

Yes, they are still discussing a no fly zone at the Security Council, thus preventing anything else meaningful from getting through that august body.

Also notable:  the European Union, freshly equipped with reforms that were supposed to unify its foreign policy, has rarely sounded less coherent or less effective:  UK and France want a no fly zone, Germany doesn’t and Italy does and doesn’t.

Nor are the Americans sounding much more coherent and effective.  Still in listening mode, which means not ready to do anything.

Don’t forget:  Egypt votes on constitutional amendments Saturday.  If they approve, a good deal of the old regime can hope to survive; if they don’t, things will again be up in the air.  I might vote for up in the air, but I don’t live in Cairo.

I know you all prefer it when I post those funny videos, but this morning is hard to take lightly.  I’ll look for some this afternoon.

PS:  I should have mentioned it earlier but forgot:  one of the consequences of Saudi/UAE intervention in Bahrain is a sharp rise in sectarian tensions, reflected in statements by Iraq’s Prime Minister Maliki and Grand Ayatollah Sistani but also felt in Iran.  That does not bode well.

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