No real Afpak strategy review

Okay, now I get it.  There is nothing more than the five-page “overview” being released from the Administration’s Afpak strategy review.

This is disreputable, even if it tells us more than any 100-page tome about how badly things are going.  Yes, there is a fairly recent progress report to the Congress (bless them for requiring it!), and the intel materials have leaked all over the New York Times.  But to give the public nothing on the legitimacy of the Karzai government?  Nothing on negotiations with the Taliban?  Precious little on Pakistan’s support, or lack of support, for going after Al Qaeda and the Taliban?  Nothing on progress in particular communities in promoting local governance and economic development?

Silence tells us most of what we need to know.  But what should be said about those who commented yesterday on the five pages as if it was the whole thing?  Maybe nothing, as that too speaks for itself.

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