Day: October 27, 2015

Declining is the right answer

The Middle East is one of the few foreign policy areas other than climate change and trade that will get many electrons during the upcoming election year. Discord will dominate the discourse: President Obama is insufficiently resolute, he needs to stand up more against {you fill in the blank}, we should or should not intervene {here} or {there}. We should support our allies {more} or {less}, we {should} or {should not} condition aid on human rights concerns, and we should {defeat}, {deter} or {contain} one terrorist group or another.

You wouldn’t know that there is wide area of agreement among Americans and their political leaders on what US goals in the Middle East should be. Here they are, more or less in order of their salience to national security:

  1. Nuclear non-proliferation: no (more) nuclear weapons states in the greater Middle East (which stretches more or less from Mauritania to Pakistan).
  2. Free flow of energy: oil and gas should flow unimpeded from the Middle East to world markets.
  3. Counterterrorism: extremist groups in the region should not be able to mount a mass casualty attack against the United States or Europe.
  4. Support for allies: America’s regional allies should wield the means necessary to confront internal and external adversaries successfully.
  5. Spreading democratic values: all other things being equal (which they aren’t on most days), Washington prefers to deal with inclusive governments that reflect the will of their people.

If there is agreement on these goals, why so much dissonance on the Middle East?

It comes from two things: different priorities accorded to these generally agreed goals, and differences over the means to achieve them.

Priorities are important. The Obama Administration arguably has prioritized nuclear non-proliferation over support for allies, reaching an agreement with Iran that if implemented fully would prevent it from getting nuclear weapons for a decade or more but giving it relief from sanctions that strengthens Tehran’s position in the region and enables it to confront American allies. Washington would prefer a democratic government in Egypt, but has prioritized support for President Sisi and his fight against what he defines as terrorism. Some argue Washington’s focus on anti-American terrorism  is leading us to over-emphasize security cooperation and under-emphasize political reform.

So too are the means to achieve these goals. President Obama has preferred killing terrorists with drones to risking American lives in efforts to build up states in the region capable of confronting the terrorist threat with law enforcement means. He has also followed a long American tradition of keeping oil flowing through Hormuz principally through military means rather than encouraging oil producers to build pipelines to carry oil around the strait. Some still think threatening the use of force is necessary to ensure compliance with the Iran nuclear deal.

So yes, there is discord, but the discord is about priorities and means, not about goals. Basically, all American politicians are singing the same lyrics, even when they strike up different tunes or use an orchestra instead of a rock band.

The bigger question is whether these goals in the Middle East are increasing or declining in importance. Let’s look at the goals one by one.

With the Iran nuclear deal, we have at least postponed the major non-proliferation issue in the Middle East. There are still others: will Saudi Arabia, Egypt or Turkey now be tempted to at least match Iran in nuclear technology? Will Pakistan deploy battlefield nuclear weapons as a deterrent against India? Will Israel’s nuclear weapons generate increasing concern in the region? But on the whole I think we can say the issues are less urgent and less compelling, now that the Iran question is settled for a decade or more.

The US is now far less dependent on Middle East oil than it has been for decades, but energy experts will quickly counter that oil prices are determined in a global market, so a serious supply disruption would be felt economically in the US even if we imported no oil at all. Still, with prices around $50/barrel and Iran soon to regain and eventually expand its export position, there is little to worry about for the moment. The people who should worry most are in China, Japan and elsewhere in Asia, which is increasingly dependent on Middle East oil and gas exports. They should bear the burden of protecting energy flows.

Little can be said about the terrorist threat. An attack can always sneak through. 9/11 was less a probability than a “black swan”–a rare and unpredictable deviation from the norm. Ever since, the number of Americans killed by international terrorists has been less than the number killed by (non-Muslim) domestic ones (even if we don’t always call them terrorists). With Al Qaeda Central much diminished and the Islamic State preoccupied with taking and defending territory in Syria and Iraq, not to mention heightening of counterterrorist defenses worldwide, it is harder to plan and execute a major terrorist plot than it was 15 years ago.

Support for allies is arguably more important in the aftermath of the Iran nuclear deal, but the means we have chosen to achieve it are such that it involves little in-depth engagement with the Middle East. We ship truly gargantuan quantities of advanced armaments to the Gulf and Israel. We have also supported, despite a lot of doubts, the Saudi war against the Houthis in Yemen. The main purpose of our support for allies is to reduce the need for direct American engagement, not increase it.

Apart from guys like me and my friends in the thinktank community who make a living (or not) thinking and writing about the Middle East, there is little support left in the US for spreading democratic values in the region. The positive results of the Arab uprisings are so paltry–a fragile transition in Tunisia and some reforms in Morocco and Jordan–that most Americans (and certainly the presidential candidates) wouldn’t want to waste much taxpayer money or electoral breath on what they regard as a quixotic pursuit.

So declining is the right answer, even without considering the rising threats to the US from China in the Pacific and from Russia in Europe. Those of us who still worry about the Middle East need to figure out more economical and effective ways to achieve the goals that Americans agree on. More about that in future posts.

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Montenegro will survive the challenge

My colleague here at SAIS, Professor Sinisa Vukovic, has provided a translation of my interview yesterday with Voice of America on the situation in Montenegro, where anti-government demonstrations have turned violent. Here is what he sent me, based on what RTCG* published:
“Jasno je da su protesti bili nasilni. Ne znam da li su predstavljali pokušaj da se silom sruši vlada, ali ne smatram da će se to dogoditi u Crnoj Gori.”
  • It was clear that the protests were violent. I am not sure if this was an attempt to topple the government by force, but I believe that this could not happen in Montenegro.
Then they gave your remarks that the opposition in Montenegro is weak and fragmented, still not accepting Montenegrin independence, and now also of the Montenegro’s decision to join NATO:
“Da bi se smijenila vlada u demokratskom sistemu, potrebno je više glasova i ne vidim kako će ove nasilne demonstracije donijeti opoziciji više glasova ili joj pomoći da se ujedini. Ljudi mogu da vole ili ne vole Đukanovića, ali je činjenica da je on na vlasti zbog demokratskog sistema i biće ga teško smijeniti na uličnim demonstracijama. U demokratskom sistemu to se radi na biračkim mjestima,” dodao je on.
  • To assume power in a democratic system, it is important to obtain more votes, and I am not sure how such violent protests could contribute in gaining more votes, or even uniting opposition. People can love or hate Djukanovic, but the fact of the matter is that he is in power thanks to a democratic system and it will be very difficult to take over the power from him through street demonstrations. In democratic systems this is done through elections.
“Moskva će pokušati da stvori utisak intenziviranja napora protiv Đukanovića, ali je u stvari riječ o protivljenju članstvu Crne Gore u NATO. Za Moskvu, Đukanović je nevažan, važno je pitanje članstva u NATO. Proširenje Alijanse, čak i na malu Crnu Goru poraz je za Putina i oni će pokušati da izbjegnu da budu poraženi”, rekao je Server.
  • Moscow will try to create an impression that there are intensifying efforts against Djukanovic, but in reality it is all about resisting Montenegrin membership in NATO. For Moscow Djukanovic is insignificant, what is important is NATO membership. NATO enlargement, even when it comes to small Montenegro, is a defeat for Putin, and they will try to avoid that kind of defeat.
Then they said that you are confident that Montenegro will get invited to join NATO:
“Dok god su bezbjednosne snage udržane i ne koriste prekomjernu silu i dok god je jasno da Crna Gora ima prilično snažnu grupu koja podržava članstvo, mislim da će NATO prepoznati šta je suština ovoga. Ovi protesti će, možda, u stvari učvrstiti podšku Crnoj Gori unutar Alijanse”, zaključio je on.
  • As long as the security forces refrain from using excessive force, and as long as it is clear that Montenegro has a considerably stronger group that supports its membership, I believe that NATO will recognize what is behind this. These protests might in fact solidify support for the Montenegrin bid among NATO member states.

*Sinisa tells me I was wrong when I said yesterday Vijesti published the interview. He informs that it was Montenegrin Radio and Television (RTCG).

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