Stevenson’s army, May 28

– WSJ piece suggests Merkel was too accommodating to Putin.

– Henry Kissinger: Fred Kaplan skewers; Jonathan Guyer emphasizes the positives.

– Reactions to the debt-limit agreement: Politico explains; Matt Yglesias has a critique sympathetic to Democrats.

– Meanwhile, there’s more for Congress to do.

– Also, administration announces an IPEF deal.

On this Memorial Day weekend, I want to report on a lovely World War I memorial and gardens I saw recently in Inverness, Scotland. Two Tommies were outlined with black piping. A sign repeated a eulogy originally written in 1918 but more famously associated with British forces fighting the Japanese in India and Burma at Kohima:

When you go home
Tell them of us and say
For your tomorrow
We gave our today

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