More on partition

I did this interview with Janusz Bugajski for RTK on September 4, but it was only broadcast last Friday, September 14:

I don’t think anything has happened in the interim to change my views.

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One thought on “More on partition”

  1. Regarding the Dodik’s efforts toward separating RS from BIH he’s either as ignorant as Trump and his followers regarding who pays tariffs or simply mad. RS can separate itself only within BIH, even if it’s only politics. That would be no less than self imposed sanctions. It’s not a secret that RS is being led by less than quality people, formed in a kleptocracy, bad for themselves and for those they govern. The sad state of affairs that this government themselves, are the best argument against the existence of RS as a legal benefit for Serbs in BIH. Meaning, as a biological entity, Serbs would better off with less expensive and corruptive form of legal entity, e.g. econo-geographically distributed regions that would utilize on economy, more than this form which allows for by nationalism fueled corruption. I hope the next government, probably the current opposition, will have this in mind, if they indeed think good for the people who live in RS. Not only Serbs, but other BH citizens as well, who have residency in RS.

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