Don’t forget the murdered Americans

Until Justice is Served: A Promise for the Bytyqi Brothers from Praveen Madhiraju on Vimeo.

September 3 and 4 Serbian President Vucic and Kosovan Prime Minister Hoti will be in Washington for meetings at the White House. I agree with the Bytyqi family: the case of their three murdered brothers should be front and center.

Lest anyone doubt it, I also believe that the cases of Serbs murdered in Kosovo should also be fully accounted for and justice served. There is a difference, however, since there are Specialist Chambers in The Hague pursuing at least some of those crimes, especially those committed in the post-war period. There are no Specialist Chambers for the trial of Serbs, even though so far the judicial system in Serbia has proven unwilling or incapable of pursuing much more than low-level perpetrators in Kosovo. The Bytyqi brothers were murdered in Serbia after the war, by forces under known commanders who remain powerful in Belgrade. It is past time that whoever ordered the murders and those who pulled the triggers face justice.
